Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Golf Skills - Shot Selection and Your Inner Voice

Golf a simple game. The two-fold purpose of each shot is to get the ball closer to the hole and to leave the ball in a place where it will be easy to hit the next shot closer to the hole. The first one isn't hard to do--you rarely hit the ball backwards. The second one isn't too hard, either, if you keep a calm mind and pay attention.

We spend all our practice time learning how to hit good shots. We want to have a swing that hits the ball straight, a chip that gets the ball close, and a putt that puts the ball in the hole. Nothing wrong with any of that.

The trouble, is, none of that is golf. Golf is getting the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible. Golf isn't about making good shots, it's about making the right shots. While you won't score well if you make bad shots, good shots won't help you score well if they're the wrong shots. Again, it's not how well you hit the ball, but can you get it in the hole?

So you're standing on the tee looking down the fairway. Since you're a player, you haven't pulled your driver just because that's the club people are supposed to tee off with. You look down the fairway with your calm mind, see where you want to hit the ball, and put your hand on the club that you are confident can get you there.

The club you hold should maintain, even bolster your confidence. If the club you're holding makes your inner voice say, "I'm not too sure about this," listen! Get a different club, choose a different shot, or both.

The pursuit of par makes us take risks by hitting shots we don't feel confident about. The pros play, driver, 5-iron, so why shouldn't we? Because maybe on this hole there's not enough room around the hazards for you to hit your driver, or the green is too well guarded to hit a 5-iron into it. If you don't have the skills to get out of trouble, why play shots that make you nervous about getting into it?

When you walk from one green to the next tee, you have a wonderful, confident feeling about getting a good score on the next hole. (If you don't, then get it!) Make it your rule maintain that feeling by hitting shots you know you can hit well, with a club you know you can hit well, so that feeling of happy confidence never fades.

Try playing your next round with the goal of hitting each shot full of confidence, where your inner voice is always saying, "Yes!" The result will be that you hit a lot of good shots that do get the ball in the hole, and, because you've banished worry, you'll have a lot more fun.

Bob Jones is dedicated to showing recreational golfers the little things, that anyone can install in their swing and game, that make a big difference in how they play. See more at See Bob's blog at

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Golf Tips For a New Golfer - 3 Priceless Tips to Improve Your Golf Skills Fast

Have you been searching for golf tips for a new golfer, only to feel overwhelmed at some of the stuff that you see? This is a problem for many beginning golfers, I mean I have been playing golf for years, teach lessons, and still do not understand some of the nonsense that is floating around out there! Golf is a complex game, but you can make it a lot easier by simplifying things, which is what I am going to do with these 3 tips.

1. The first thing that you need to do is focus on your setup position. Ball position is vital to success, and so is posture. You want to keep your back straight and bend from the hips, with your knees flexed like you are about to field a ground ball in baseball or softball. With regards to ball position, you want the ball to be even with your left heel with the driver, and move the ball further back in the stance for shorter clubs.

2. Another one of the golf tips for a new golfer that does not get much attention is good swing tempo. Swing tempo is vital to a good golf swing, and without it you are never going to play consistent golf. Think of taking the club back and thru at the same pace, as this will improve your ball striking and increase your good shots.

3. Another tip is to keep the golf swing as simple as possible. I know that I touched on this earlier, but it really does matter a lot that you do this. The more complex swing thoughts you have, the worse you are going to play. So concentrate on a simple golf swing method that you can use to start playing better golf fast.

This is what I did, and it made all of the difference in my golf game.

Do you want to bomb your tee shots and shoot lower scores? Before the Simple Golf Swing System I Was a 7 Handicap, Usually Shooting around 78. After the Simple Golf Swing System I took 5 Shots Off My Scores and Am Now a 2 Handicap! No Matter What Your Current Skill Level This Will Help You Dramatically. Read My Story and Learn How You Can Achieve The Same Results By Visiting For Instant Access!

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Golf Skills - Getting the Ball in the Fairway

The tee shot is the most important shot on any hole. A successful drive almost always sets up a good score, and a poor drive almost always guarantees a bad one. When you get the ball in the fairway, you're on offense. You can execute your game plan and par is yours for the taking.

There are two simple ways to hit fairways. So simple, most golfers won't even think of them. First, use the longest club that you can put in the fairway three times out of four. For most recreational golfers, that means something less than the driver. Sure, you'll lose distance, but two-twenty into the fairway beats two-fifty into the weeds/water/out-of-bounds every time.

Second, when it's your turn to hit, THINK before you pull that driver.

Most recreational golfers don't have the length to reach par 5s in two. Even with a well-struck drive, you'd still be hitting a third shot onto the green. Choose that shot and work backward. It might turn out that a 3-wood, a hybrid, and a pitch is all you need.

What about a long par 4? Those are the hardest holes, and the ones we most often take big scores on. It might be best to play this hole as a short par 5. You could hit a 3-wood or less into the fairway, a medium iron up to the green, and pitch on for a certain bogey, or a par if the breaks go your way.

Thinking pays off on a short par 4, too. Holes like this have "Par" written all over them. A wayward drive is a risk you don't have to take. Set yourself up to hit your favorite club into the green. Is it a 9-iron? Hit the club off the tee that will leave you a 9-iron away from the green.

When should you hit a driver? Only when there's enough room to hit it off the tee, and the length is needed to set up a reliable second shot into the green. Otherwise, keep it in the bag.

So do whatever it takes to hit that ball straight off the tee. I know that if you look back on your best rounds, they came on days when you hit a lot of fairways.

Bob Jones is dedicated to showing recreational golfers the little things, that anyone can install in their swing and game, that make a big difference in how they play. See more at See Bob's blog at

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Golf Trick Shots

Friday, 5 March 2010

Learn How to Hit a Draw - The Most Powerful Shot in Golf - PurePoint Golf

Phil Mickelson's Famous Backward Shot - Check this out!

Does Fitness Improve Your Golf Game?

Lately, especially amongst professional golfers, there has been a lot of focus on physical fitness and training. Most professional golfers are spending their training days, not just practicing their golf techniques, but in the gym, weight training and cardiovascular workouts.

Is it really necessary though to do all of this grueling exercise just to play golf? Well yes there is, there is a lot more to the golf swing than people think. The main reason for a golf fitness programme is to improve your game by the physical development of the muscles in your body. Golfers want to gain their maximum physical fitness to improve their game.

Fitness is essential not only for the perfect golf swing but also just in general too. Most 18 hole courses will require a golfer to walk about 4 miles, whilst also at the same time carrying their heavy golf bag.

The Golf Swing

A golf swing will take nearly every muscle in your body to do it properly. The swing comes from whole body movement rather than just from the arms. The golf swing is a rotational movement which requires the core muscles like the abs, hips, lower back and the obliques. The muscles are worked using a specific golf exercise pattern known as the Physio Ball Russian Twist, but can be worked by using gym equipment too.

Posture is also vital for the golf swing, being able to have the strength to remain stretched for the swing to follow the ball all the way through can be very taxing. To gain this fitness, golfers can just stick to normal training, lots of cardiovascular exercise and do core muscle training such as using a physio ball.

If you are looking into getting fitter for your golf game and burning off a few pounds then why not have a look at our website, we offer a wide range of fitness products which will significantly improve your fitness and your golf game.

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How to Improve Your Golf Swing - Neutralise Your Golf Grip

One way to improve your golf swing is to neutralise your golf grip. Firstly you will only hook the golf ball if you swing the club face closed at impact. The majority of golfers that hook the ball display a 'strong grip', where the hands are too far to the right of the handle.

Golfers will swing the club too much from the inside of the line, with the hands, arms and body struggling to hold the club face open at impact. Weakening the grip will help stop the club face closing on impact.

Secondly, a common fault with a lot of golfers is the stance. The width of stance will vary slightly according to the golf club you are using. As a general guideline, I recommend that the stance for the 5-iron should correspond to the width of your shoulders. Check your stance regularly when you practise. A wide stance will give you good stability but less mobility. A narrow stance will give you more mobility but less stability.

Thirdly, getting your posture right will make playing the game easier. The reason for this is that your posture controls the balance points in your swing, and good balance is key in helping you develop your game. Start by placing your thumbs on your hip joints, this is where you bend from the hip joint. From there lean forward putting your weight on the front of your feet. Finally flex your knees, feeling the pressure on your thighs. Hope this helps, happy golfing.

Thanks for reading, for more follow me at

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3 Golf Driving Tips That Will Improve Your Game and Help You Beat Your Friends!

Think back to a time when you teed off and caught the ball flush on the sweet spot and watched it fly off down the fairway. It's one of the best feelings in the world! How would you like to be able to do that every time? Long, accurate drives are possible for anyone and following golf driving tips will help you on your way.

1. Mental Preparation

Never just hit and hope. All the successful golfers have a mental process that they run through before every shot. Many times, when you tee off on the first hole it can set the standard for the rest of your game.

2. Widen Your Stance

Make sure you have a good wide stance. More weight should be on the right leg. The driver is different from iron shots in that you are sweeping the ball up off the tee. Having a wide stance with more weight on your right leg will help you achieve this.

3. Don't Over Hit it!

When you tee off you want to get the most distance possible. I mean who doesn't want to hit a 300 yard drive every time? Most amateur golfers go wrong here by trying to hit the ball as hard as they can. Don't do it! It won't help you. Instead make sure your right arm stays straight and you maintain a wide arc. This will increase your club head speed and your distance!

These golf driving tips aren't magic and may seem basic but that's the key! Get these three things worked into your game to the point where they become part of your subconscious and they will improve your game dramatically.

It's possible for anyone to make super long drives by following simple golf driving tips.

For more golf driving tips check out the video at and you'll be driving the green in no time!

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How to Improve Your Golf Putt

How to Improve Your Putting

Putting has got to be the most important aspect of the game of golf. Putting on the green at the final stage of the hole can make or break the game. It is all about making a good stroke and controlling the distance the ball goes. Here are a few hints and tips that will help you improve your putting.

Rolling the Ball

When you putt you aren't trying to strike the all you are simply trying to roll with the correct power and distance. When you watch golfers putting you will probably be surprised to see how much the ball bounces. What you want to achieve is to get the ball rolling as soon as possible after the putter has touched it.


The best way to practice is to go to the putting green and just go to the edge, you don't need to use a hole, it's probably best that you don't have a target to start with. Use about 6 balls so you don't have to keep fetching it all the time. The ball should ideally be positioned left of centre or closer to your target side foot.

The putting movement needs to be slow and rhythmic so that you barely feel the ball when you impact it. Try and make the backswing and the follow through the exact same distance. Don't tap or hit the ball when putting merely think of it as a slow rolling push. If you want the ball to go further then increase the swing rather than giving it more power. You must always remember that the impact on the ball when putting should always be soft. You will probably find that closing your eyes when making the putt in order for you to feel the impact of the ball will make your putt a lot better.

Making the Putt

It sounds simple but the best way to make the putt is to be optimistic. A negative attitude will affect your game, positive thinking and concentration will allow you to make putt. It doesn't matter if you're 3 feet away or 60.

If the ball doesn't go in then don't blame yourself, once you start to blame yourself and get frustrated with your actions you become clouded with thoughts about how you should have made the putt. Just forget the missed putt immediately and just focus on the new putt.

By putting in to practice these tips you will find that your putting should be significantly improved, if you are looking for further improvement then why not look at our wide selection of putters on

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